ARé cultural foundation print

After several months of work, we are ready to launch a new micro-site –"Anthology of Armenian Performance Art" - dedicated to collecting and preserving the happenings, performance art, and performative acts implemented by Armenian artists from the 70s to our day.

The history of post-Soviet Armenia dragged on. The domestic crisis of the previous 30 years was not overcome. It did not arise enough to create opportunities for anthological collections, studies, and archiving of prolific events at the core of Armenian contemporary art. This need was our main drive to create the "Anthology of  Armenian Performance Art" website. Our organisation must fill this gap and regulate what is most important to realise priorities of things in dialogue with future generations.


Thanks to our artist friends' support and contribution, we have archived a lot of material, changing video formats from VHS to digital when needed and adding texts of the performances' concepts and descriptions. 

One can also find research material/articles with even more information on the practice, influences and singularities of the Armenian performance art developments and more profound thoughts about the background of the field.

Our podcasts serve as a living archive, an aggregator of lived experiences that unfold through a series of conversations with the performers and art historians (in Armenian). 

It is unequivocal that creating the "Anthology of Armenian Performance Art" website will not only contribute to documenting the field in Armenia but also create a healthy shift between generations, exchange of experience becoming a dialogue tool for generations. This work is an ongoing process, and we will keep archiving the activities around this most ephemeral live art ever.